Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other - Bethany Turner


Brynn Cornell is known as the Ray of Sunshine on the Sunup morning show, and has left her hometown of Adelaide Springs, Colorado far behind her.  Until, that is, she's caught on a hot mic disparaging her hometown and the people who live there.  Her only chance at salvaging her reputation and career seems to be returning to her hometown and the people she left without so much as a goodbye 20 years ago and filming her apology and, hopefully, their forgiveness. While there, she encounters Sebastian Sudworth, who has landed in Adelaide Springs from his own search for a fresh start.  Will their fresh starts and second chances counter each other, or be just what they each need?

Normally, I love the enemies to lovers trope in romance, and the need for forgiveness and a second chance was such a great idea for this story.  However, it felt like the switched flipped a bit too quickly and easily for Brynn.  She didn't really work for any of the forgiveness, and she didn't seem to actually regret her actions, just that she got caught.  There were a lot of avenues for side storylines that could have been developed, but there seemed to be an abundance of focus on Brynn's name change from B-R-E-N to B-R-Y-N-N, as if all of her life choices could be hinged on this spelling change.

I also missed some of this author's signature character banter from her previous works.  Sebastian and Brynn could have been a fiery match, but it fell a little flat for me.  I liked Seb, but found myself not really caring if Brynn found success.

I give this book 3 stars; I really liked the characters from Adelaide Springs, and just wish Brynn's transformation could have been a little more developed.

You can find Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other HERE.
You can find the author HERE.

I received a digital copy of this book, via NetGalley, from the publisher, in exchange for my honest review.

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