After a devastating car accident that resulted in the loss of her son and months in a rehabilitation facility, Lori Mendenhall returns to a home that she doesn't remember, and a family and life that doesn't match up with the last memories she has - from 8 years ago. As she tries to fit what she knows with what is happening now, who will she choose to become from this day forward?
This book covers a lot of tough topics within its pages; sensitive readers should be aware of the subject matter (but I don't want to spoil anything - I'm sure there are warnings in other descriptions). However, it comes with the good reminder that personal memories aren't one hundred percent reliable, and that there are two sides to every story. Even with the worst of situations, with grace can come second chances.
3 stars to this book; it was good, and I'm sure it will resonate with some readers.
You can find With Every Memory HERE.
You can find the author HERE.
I received a digital copy of this book, via NetGalley, from the publisher, in exchange for my honest review.
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