Small Montana town, ambitious finance advisor from Seattle, eccentric neighbor, and a crazy porch chicken - what could possibly go wrong? Or how could it all go very very right?
I have to confess - the descriptions of Katie Powner's books never catch my attention the first go round. But after two amazing, rich, unforgettable stories, I'm all in - I'll never turn down a Katie Powner book again. Between Eric, the nephew who's been sent to "fill in" in the small town branch, hoping to work his way to a tenth floor position in the Seattle office, to Eunice, desperate to make amends, but painfully private about why it's urgent, to Cinderella, the crazy chicken, and Chicken, the rescued turtle - the lives and stories of these small town characters teach such deep lessons, about faith and loving the folks around you through good times and bad. I love watching as those who are willing to reach out or listen are changed for the better, and can affect more than they even expected. Not everything turns out rosy, but there are lessons to be learned even in sorrow.
5 stars to this powerful novel about literally loving your neighbor.
You can find Where the Blue Sky Begins HERE.
You can find the author HERE.
I received a digital copy of this book, via NetGalley, from the publisher, in exchange for my honest review.
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