Tuesday, January 25, 2022

In Search of a Prince - Toni Shiloh


Bri Bayo knows that any time her mother makes time to meet her for lunch, there's something big to talk about.  She does not expect to find out that she's a princess to an African country, and that her grandfather, whom she's never met, is asking her to come because he's dying, and she will need to decide if she's willing to become queen.  She needs to learn about the country, she needs to learn the language, and on top of it all, the royal council determines that she needs to be married to take the crown.  

This book did a lot of things well that I haven't seen in a lot of books lately.  I really felt like I was experiencing a new nation with Brielle, a new culture, a new language, new expectations.  I loved how steeped in faith the characters - they spent time in prayer, not only for themselves, but for each other.  Having friends who pray for you and seek God's direction for you, in confirmation of what you're sensing from your own time with God. It's rare to see friends and companions lean into that so thoroughly in fiction books.  I also loved seeing Bri develop a relationship with her grandfather, heal her relationship with her mother, and learn about her father through his country.

There were a few loose ends in the story, but that just leaves me hoping for a sequel!
4 stars

You can find In Search of a Prince HERE.
You can find the author HERE.

I received a digital copy of this book, via NetGalley, from the publisher, in exchange for my honest review.

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