Thursday, December 3, 2020

What You Said to Me - Olivia Newport


Feeling like she's the latest in a line of women who make bad choices and can't find a way to be happy, Tisha Crowder ends up essentially doing community service time as Jillian's assistant.  Only, Jillian has a hard time seeing that there's any assisting being done.  Yet, between Nolan's unwavering patience and optimism, and Jillian's glimpses into Tisha's life, Jillian gains an understanding of what's inside Tisha, and together, they find that maybe there's some good in her family line after all.

This might have been my favorite of the series!  I really felt like I could put myself in the shoes of all the characters in this book.  I could see Nolan's desire to help Tisha, because he could see that her circumstances were turning her into something she didn't need to be.  I could feel Tisha's discouragement at her situation and her doubt that Jillian and Nolan meant the nice things they said about her, because it conflicted with everything she'd ever heard from her mother, and that made them seem like platitudes.  Even Jillian's reaction to Tisha was totally reasonable, because her project was important to her and her client, and it must have been nerve-wracking to have a lackadaisical, lackluster teenager mope into her workspace with no regard to accuracy.  While Nolan remained steadfast, Jillian and Tisha changed together, and their growth seemed realistic and satisfying.

I give this book 4 stars.  While it was my favorite thus far, and I enjoy this ongoing series and continuing to connect with Jillian and Nolan, they aren't books I see myself rereading, although I found myself wishing I remembered more from the previous installments as I struggled to remember some of the side characters this time around.

You can find What You Said to Me HERE.
You can find the author HERE.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for my honest review.

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