Monday, December 7, 2020

The Love Note - Joanna Davidson Politano

"In this Victorian romantic mystery, finding an unopened love letter in her writing desk sends Willa Duvall on a compulsive hunt to track down its author and the intended recipient. Her new position at Crestwicke Manor offers enticing clues but no real information. Will she be able to locate the pair and reunite them?"

The backcover summary of this book does it little justice; this story is so much bigger than a simple mystery of reuniting a letter with its intended recipient.  Instead, this letter weaves its way through an entire household, igniting hope, sparking new loves, and fanning the flames of old relationships.  The note not only creates new confidence and the possibility of being loved with such passion as the note infers, it opens the eyes of the men perceived as the potential senders to a new way of loving.  While not every character whose heart is touched by the letter is expounded upon, the reader is left with the lovely feeling that Crestwicke Manor has taken on new life and new loves that will leave it forever changed.

"To fall in love with God is the greatest romance;
to seek him the greatest adventure,
to find him, the greatest human achievement."
Saint Augustine of Hippo

Perhaps even better than the romantic possibilities brought on by the wayward letter, is the discovery of love and healing that goes beyond romance.  The entirety of the book points to the right kind of love, God's love, even as modeled by imperfect humans, but mostly in knowing that true love doesn't hinder or seek to change, but rather seeks to set one free in the knowledge that he or she is loved exactly for who they are.

I give this book 5 stars.  This may be my favorite read of 2020 so far.  I have loved every book by this author I've read so far, and this one was even better than anticipated.

You can find The Love Note HERE.
You can find the author HERE.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, via NetGalley, in exchange for my honest review.

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