Tuesday, May 1, 2018

No Less Days - Amanda Stevens

From CBD: "As far as he knows, David Galloway can't die. As those he loves grow old and perish, he grows increasingly isolated in his Michigan used bookstore, until at last he finds others who share his predicament. But when crimes come to light that are older than any mortal, what will God require of him?"

I feel conflicted about how I feel about this book.  Sound confusing?  That's how I feel about it, too!  The premise is intriguing - a man who can't die, perpetually 35, alive since before the Civil War, what are the possibilities in that long of a life on earth?  Would those granted the ability consider it a gift to be used for good, or a curse to resent? For a man of God, how do you live over and over, without knowing when you'll make it to heaven?  How do you find a community of believers, if you have to move every 10 years or so before the fact that you're not aging would start to raise suspicions?  

Some of those questions were addressed, but the book also took a very dark turn that I wasn't expecting. I felt like the story was trying to go in too many directions to thoroughly explore any one of them.  It felt like it would have made a good series; that would have allowed the characters and their relationships to develop, as well as give time to flesh out some of the side plot lines.  The discussion questions at the back were thought provoking, though, and would allow a conversation to follow some of those thoughts to see where the readers thought they'd lead.

Overall, this was a unique book, and I appreciate that.  I give it 3 stars; while I wish it went a little deeper, I was intrigued by the possibilities it presented.

You can find No Less Days HERE.

You can connect with the author on Facebook HERE.

I received a digital copy of this book, via NetGalley, from the publisher, in exchange for my honest review.

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