Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Saturday Night Supper Club - Carla Laureano

Rachel Bishop just wants to be left alone in her restaurant kitchen, and to have her food speak for itself.  However, when a mean-spirited review, an essay, and a misconstrued interview turn public opinion against her, she is forced out by her partners, and left floundering for a new direction in her career and life.  Alex Kanin, the author of the essay that led to the public backlash, feels guilty for the demise of her career, and works with Rachel to come up with a fresh idea to find her place in the restaurant world, and thus is born The Saturday Night Supper Club.

I was really drawn to this book by the cover and that title (I've recently discovered that I apparently have a favorite sub-sub-genre - books about food, and restaurants, and bakeries).  And while I enjoyed the book, and the characters, it fell a little short for me. I was hoping for a lot more to do with the actual "Saturday Night Supper Club," but instead, there were only 2 official events, even though they talked about making it the event nobody would want to miss, and how much they could charge for attendance.  That sort of draw never materialized.  The characters were full of interesting hints of backstories...almost too much.  Every character seemed to have issues they were working through that were affecting their relationships, yet there wasn't enough time in this book to get through them all.  It does appear that this will be a series, so I guess we'll just hope that we learn more about each of the main characters eventually.

I give this book 3 stars.  I hope that if the series continues the characters will settle into themselves and their stories will feel more cohesive.  I also hope for more food scenes. :)

You can find The Saturday Night Supper Club HERE.
You can find the author's website HERE.

I received a digital copy of this book, via NetGalley, from the publisher, in exchange for my honest review.

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