Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Prince of Spies - Elizabeth Camden


In this conclusion to the Hope and Glory series, Luke Delacroix has returned from Cuba and while trying to regain his health and strength, he is determined to take down the congressman who has been his family's nemesis for years - Clyde Magruder.  However, when he meets Marianne Magruder, the congressman's daughter, his agenda becomes cloudy.  Can he find a way to pursue his goals of food safety, without harming the woman he is falling in love with?

The Prince of Spies was a very satisfying conclusion to this series.  I loved how different each sibling's story was, yet how they fit together as a family.  Besides the intriguing background of the regulations regarding food safety, it was super interesting to read about the planning and development of the National Mall.  I don't think I've read anything else set in DC during this time period, and I really enjoyed it.

I give this book 4 stars.  Elizabeth Camden has a knack for unusual storylines, and this was another one done well.

You can find A Prince of Spies HERE.
You can find the author HERE.

I received a digital copy of this book, via Netgalley, from the publisher, in exchange for my honest review.