This book was just not for me. I found the characters to be unbelievable and bordering on preposterous. Jo and her sisters did not ring true as women who'd lived sheltered from real life their whole lives; their naivete felt forced, convenient to the plot in some sections, yet oddly missing in other situations. The most interesting character for me was Wax Mosby - the hired gun whose men ran the Wardens off their ranch and into the mountains. His determination to finish out the job, while not crossing his own pre-determined lines regardless of his ruthless boss, and begin a new life for himself was intriguing, and I wish he hadn't disappeared from the storyline halfway through the book.
So, while I found the idea of this book interesting, and I am curious to know how Wax extricates himself from his situation, I do not foresee myself reading the rest of this series. I have read other works by this author, however, and I would likely pick up something else of hers in the future.
You can find Aiming for Love HERE.
You can find the author's site HERE.
I received a digital copy of this book, via NetGalley, from the publishers, in exchange for my honest review.